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Original Creation

Horsehead nebula

Gary Barnes 17 May 2020

No.9 second attempt at a space scene. Was a fun paint and learnt a lot for next time!



I recognized it immediately! Good job!

Are you an astronomer?

Thanks Sunnylady, my wife and I have a telescope but I'd say we're more enthusiasts than experts!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

How on earth did I miss this one?? This is super Gary, I recognized (amateur astronomer) immediately what it was before reading the title.
You did very well on creating that nebulae, most impressed I am with your stars and that shy star constellation.

Guys, Have you seen it in your telescopes? Is it possible to see it at all? Do I recall correctly we need oxygen filter for that?

Sorry, Garry, but I did not see your response before.
I am also just enthusiast... I have dobsonian. That baby is very heavy and I need to modify it and build better rotation system as I have to track objects manually and system that was there originally was not smooth at all. My husband and I modified it but it turned out that my "baby" is way too heavy for that modification.

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